Site Factory

Site Factory Connector module

The Site Factory Connector module (available on connects your website to the Site Factory platform. The modules enables several critical features, including the following:

Installing and enabling the module

For directions regarding installing and enabling the Site Factory Connector, select the tab that corresponds to your website’s installed version of Drupal:

Use the instructions at Installing a module compatible with the current Drupal version to install the most recent 8.x version of the Site Factory Connector module.


Be sure to install the appropriate version of the module, based on the version of Drush that you are using. For more information, see the Site Factory Connector module page on

Do not install the module in more than one location in your code repository (such as both docroot/profiles/profilename/modules/contrib and docroot/modules/contrib). Multiple instances of the module can prevent Site Factory from discovering and using the module.

To determine if your code repository contains more than one version of the module, run the following Git command in the docroot directory:

git ls-files "**"

The Site Factory Connector module contains several sub-modules that provide additional functions. When you enable the main Connector module, you also enable most of the included sub-modules; however, some sub-modules must be enabled manually, depending on your website’s needs.

  • acsf_init: Required when preparing a custom Drupal distribution for development and deployment on Site Factory.

  • acsf_sj: Required for creating one-time complex data processing jobs to be completed as background processes.

  • acsf_sso: Required for the current Drupal version based websites that use single sign-on with Site Factory.

Upgrading the module

Keeping the Site Factory Connector module up-to-date in your codebase helps keep your platform secure, and gives you access to new platform features as they are developed.

Acquia publishes release notes for Site Factory that include information about new versions of the Site Factory connector module, bugfixes, and any necessary upgrade instructions.

Whenever you update the Site Factory Connector module to a newer version, be sure to update your codebase to use the module.