Task logs in Site Factory

Task logs, also known as Work Pool logs or Work In Progress (wip) logs, are detailed records of all the actions your Factory is performing. These include, but aren’t limited to, background tasks for website management and domain management, and tasks initiated by users (such as code deploys and website installations).

Tasks are assigned to groups, enabling you to both view all tasks of a particular type and identify recurring problems.

Site Factory offers several levels of task log retention that you can configure by using the Task log settings webpage.

Accessing task logs in Site Factory

To access an overview of task logs:

  1. Sign in to the Site Factory Management Console.

  2. In the admin menu, click Administration.

  3. In the Logs section, click the Task log link.

The At a glance section provides the following information about the website update process:

  • Not Started: Number of tasks queued

  • In Progress: Number of tasks in progress or waiting to complete

  • Error: Number of tasks not completed due to an error. Click the number to view a detailed list of errors

  • Warning: Number of tasks completed with warnings. Click the number to view a detailed list of warnings

  • Completed: Number of tasks completed with no issues

Task groups

To help you identify patterns or recurring issues with your subscription, tasks are assigned to groups. Although groups typically contain several tasks of a specific type, tasks may be related by how they’re called, rather than the function they perform. For example, the tasks in the DrushCommand group can contain cache-rebuilding tasks due to the tasks being executed by Drush.

When you view task logs in Site Factory, you can filter to a single group of tasks by clicking Group in the At a Glance section, and then selecting the group of tasks that you want to view.

To clear your filter selection and view all tasks, click Reset.

Viewing detailed information about a task

To view more details about a task:

  1. Go to the Task log webpage, and then identify the task you want to examine in more detail.

  2. To display statistics about this task, click the Information icon next to the start time of the task to display statistics about this task.

    The task’s statistics include the following values:

    • ID: A unique identifier for the task.

    • Object ID: A link to all lines in the log file for the task.

    • Parent: If spawned by another task, the parent task’s Object ID.

    • Group Name: The group to which the task belongs, used with Concurrency to protect resources.

    • Added: A UNIX timestamp showing when the task was created.

    • Wake: If the task may not proceed, a UNIX timestamp indicating when the task may resume.

    • Taken: A lock indicating if the task is being processed.

    • Completed: A UNIX timestamp showing when the task completed. The item is blank if the task is still in progress.

    • Priority: The numerical importance of the task, between 1 and 3, with smaller numbers having greater priority. The default value is 2. Internal use only.

    • Lease: The number of seconds the task is expected to take. If exceeded, the task may be restarted. Defaults to 180.

    • Max run-time: The number of seconds the task will be locked, with Taken.

    • Concurrency: The number of tasks from the group that may be executed at the same time.


    When contacting Acquia Support about a task, be sure to include the ID or the Object ID.

  3. To view detailed logs for a task, click its Actions menu, and then click View Logs.

Pausing a task

You can pause a task to troubleshoot issues.

To pause a task:

  1. Go to the Task log settings webpage.

  2. In the At a glance section, click the In Progress link.

  3. Locate the task that you want to pause.

  4. In the Actions column, click the dropdown corresponding to the task, and then click Pause.

  5. In the Reason field, enter a reason for pausing the task, and then click Pause.

    The system adds the reason to the action’s audit log entry.

Pausing all tasks

You can pause all tasks to troubleshoot issues.


This action prevents the tasks from doing any type of processing, including termination. Most of the site operations, such as install, duplicate, restore, backup, cache clear, theme refreshes, and staging, are processed only after the tasks are unpaused.

To pause all tasks:

  1. Go to the Task log settings webpage.

  2. In the At a glance section, click Pause.

    The system pauses all tasks.

Soft-paused tasks

If tasks are in progress at the beginning of a maintenance window, Site Factory will soft-pause the tasks until the maintenance work is complete, allowing current tasks to complete without allowing other tasks to start until the soft-pause is removed. When tasks are soft-paused, a message will display at the top of the webpage when signing in to the Site Factory Management Console, such as the following:

The following classes are currently soft paused:Acquia\SfBackup\SiteArchiveD9,
Acquia\SfBackup\SiteArchiveV2, Acquia\SfBackup\SiteArchiveV2D9,
Acquia\SfBackup\SiteRestoreD8, Acquia\SfSiteCollection\SiteGuardSite,
Acquia\SfSiteCollection\SiteGuardSiteCollection, Acquia\SfSite\DomainModifyV2,
Acquia\SfSite\SiteDuplicateD9, Acquia\SfSite\SiteInstallD9.

Soft-paused tasks will start after maintenance is complete. For more information about a soft-paused task, or if you need help restarting a soft-paused task, contact Acquia Support.

Unpausing a task


To unpause a task:

  1. Go to the Task log settings webpage.

  2. In the At a glance section, click the In Progress link.

  3. Locate the task that you want to unpause.

  4. In the Actions column, click the dropdown corresponding to the task, and then click Unpause.

  5. On the confirmation screen, click OK.

    The system unpauses the task.

Resuming all tasks

To resume all paused tasks:

  1. Go to the Task log settings webpage.

  2. In the At a glance section, click Resume.

    The system resumes all tasks.

Terminating a task

You can terminate a task to troubleshoot issues.


Terminating a task might cause unpredictable results, including data loss. If you need help, contact Acquia Support.

To terminate a task:

  1. Go to the Task log settings webpage.

  2. In the At a glance section, click the In Progress link.

  3. Locate the task that you want to terminate.

  4. In the Actions column, click the dropdown corresponding to the task, and then click Terminate.

  5. On the confirmation screen, click OK.

    The system terminates the task.

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