Site Factory

Resolving codebase update errors

When you run updates in either your development, staging, or production environments with code from the Acquia repository, you can encounter errors during the process with one or more websites in your multisite application.


The code workflow is based on the concept of failing forward, so the best practice is to test your codebase changes across a representative set of websites in your staging environment before deploying those changes to your production environment. For more information, see Staging a Factory to a non-production environment.

Site Factory reports any multisite application or website update errors it encounters on the Site update progress page.

To view this page:

  1. Sign in to the Site Factory environment that you are updating using an account with either the release engineer or developer role.

  2. In the admin menu, click Administration, and then click the Site update status link.


Users with the platform admin role can view the Site update status page but cannot restart update processes.

Accounts with the developer role can restart updates for multisite applications and websites on the staging server, and release engineer accounts can restart updates on the staging and production servers.

The At a glance section provides the following information about the website update process:

  • Not Started: Number of websites still to be updated

  • In Progress: Number of websites being updated by Site Factory

  • Error: Number of websites that did not update due to an error (click the number to view a detailed list of website errors)

  • Warning: Number of websites that finished updating, but completed with errors (click the number to view a detailed list of warnings)

  • Completed: Number of websites that updated with no issues

After the site update process completes, your multisite applications will display either a checkmark or an error image, depending on if all the websites that use the multisite application completed successfully or if some websites had errors.

Until all of your multisite applications display a checkmark, you have not yet completed the site update process.

Examining multisite application errors

For each multisite application on the Site update status page that displays an error image, in the actions menu for the multisite application, click the View sub-tasks link.

Examine the list of websites that use the multisite application, and select from the following diagnosis options, based on the number of websites that display an error message:

One (or a few) websites with errors

If only one or a few websites failed to update successfully, click the Restart link in the actions menu for each failed website update.

The restarted websites’ images change to a working image. Refresh the page until the working image changes to either a checkmark (success) or error (fail) image.

If the update process fails again for a website, click the View logs action menu link. Examine the logs, especially the entries whose level is Error.

  • If you see PHP fatal in the message column for an error entry, you probably have a code error that you’ll need to resolve on your website. After you resolve the error, you’ll need to send a new code update.

  • If Site Factory displays any other error messages, click the Export logs action menu link for the process, and then contact Acquia Support with the exported logs to help you diagnose the error.

After you’ve successfully updated all the multisite application’s websites, you’ll have to restart the update process for the multisite application itself. To do this:

  1. In the admin menu, click Administration, and then click the Site update status link.

  2. Find the multisite application you want to restart, and then click the View logs link in its actions menu.

  3. Click the Work Pool tab.

  4. Find the multisite application to restart, and then click the Restart link in its actions menu.

You can track the results of the multisite application restart process on the Site update status page.

All (or most) websites with errors

If most or all of the websites associated with the multisite application did not update and display an error image, there’s probably an issue with the code in the update.

Select one of the websites that failed, and then click the View logs link on its actions menu. Examine the logs, especially the entries whose level is Error.

If you see PHP fatal in the message column for an error entry, you probably have a code error that you’ll need to resolve on your website. After you resolve the error, you’ll need to send a new code update.

After you’ve pushed the new code to Site Factory, restart the site update process for your websites (as described in Hotfixing an Site Factory deployment).

If Site Factory displays any other error messages, click the Export logs action menu link for the process, and then contact Acquia Support with the exported logs to help you diagnose the error.

Filtering log messages

To reduce the number of displayed messages and to be able to better identify issues reported in the logs, you can set a default error level for displayed logs.

For information about filtering log messages, see Configuring task log settings.

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