Does Acquia Optimize help our website meet the WCAG-EM standards?
WCAG-EM is a methology to perform an accessibility evaluation of a website. It is not, in itself, a standard beyond WCAG 2.0.
The WCAG-EM provides guidance on evaluating how well websites conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
Quote from the WC3 website WCAG-EM:
"This methodology is independent of any particular web accessibility evaluation tool, web browser, and other software tool. While most accessibility checks are not fully automatable, evaluation tools can significantly assist evaluators during the evaluation process and contribute to more effective evaluation. For example, some web accessibility evaluation tools can scan entire websites to help identify relevant pages for manual evaluation. Tools can also assist during manual (human) evaluation of accessibility checks. Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools provides further guidance on using tools which is beyond the scope of this document.
So, while Acquia Optimize does not facilitate the creation of specific WCAG-EM reports, the Accessibility module is a tool to help you ensure that your website meets the WCAG standards outlined.
Tip! If a specific report is needed, find all of the information about how your website performs on all of the WCAG 2.0 checks, page-by-page, in the Accessibility Help Center. Access it from within the Acquia Optimize application. Here you will find details about every check on every page scanned so that you can easily see which checks need to be investigated further and how well your site meets the standard.
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Tue Oct 22 2024 21:50:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)