Campaign Studio

Release notes

This webpage describes the regular updates Acquia has made to Campaign Studio. Note that some release dates may be in the future to enable subscribers to prepare their environments for upcoming product versions.


For previous release information, see the individual release note pages for 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020.

For a list of known issues in Campaign Studio, see Known issues.

Campaign Studio - September 26, 2024

TypeRelated TicketRelease Note
FixMAUT-11865Segment building did not happen regularly when the Birthday or Anniversary filter was used.

Campaign Studio - September 23, 2024

TypeRelated TicketRelease Note
CHANGEMAUT-11723The Delete Contact campaign action is updated to have no limits for the number of contacts it can delete. This update is made with a consideration that the action itself will not delete the contacts and their events but will mark them for deletion. Those marked contacts will be then safely deleted without negatively affecting other operations in Campaign Studio.




Campaign Studio is updated to improve usability for date ranges and relative dates in Campaign Condition > Contact Field Value.
FIXMAUT-11750Email dynamic content did not function when it was utilized as a template and then used in another email.
FIXMAUT-11748Special characters were not supported in landing pages.

Campaign Studio - September 4, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
FeatureMAUT-11725In segment filters, Campaign Studio includes the Including (Select) operator with a multi-select box. In the multi-select box, users can select multiple indexable custom fields of Text data type.

Campaign Studio is updated to remove support for gated videos.

fixMAUT-11774Campaign Studio did not display thumbnail images for custom themes since the previous release.

Dynamic content in emails did not function when a variation included a Segment Membership filter.

fixMAUT-10689In the Contact field value campaign condition, the excluding operator did not function when a select or multi-select type field was used.

Campaign Studio - August 12, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
CHANGEMAUT-11587Campaign Studio is updated to display an error message if a global token is used within another global token.
CHANGEMAUT-11560Campaign Studio is updated to display an error message to prevent users from creating infinite loops in campaign restart actions.
CHANGEMAUT-11455Campaign Studio is updated to stop allowing HTML type global tokens in the Subject line of emails.
CHANGEMAUT-8534Campaign Studio is updated to display an error message for saved rows that do not fulfil the character limit requirements.

Users could not save campaign descriptions with multiline content.


Segment rebuilds did not correctly detect the value for anniversaries on the contact record.

FixMAUT-11589Incorrect points got updated in Salesforce because of concurrency issues.
FixMAUT-11559An error occurred when a non-admin user created a new BeeFree category.
FixMAUT-11544Users could not log in to instances through single sign-on (SSO) because of an issue with the one-click sign-in functionality.

Campaign Studio did not have a mechanism to stop segment filters from saving invalid regular expressions.

FixMAUT-11420When an email was saved, the scheduled job for sending the winner variant of the A/B test was deleted.
In a few cases, email tracking links were incorrectly assigned to inappropriate contacts. This fix ensures that all links are assigned appropriate contacts.
FixMAUT-10724The campaign membership job was not executed for campaigns where the Publish Up date was set to a past date.

An error occurred when users created a custom object with multiple select fields.

FixMAUT-8151Duplicate contacts were created during contact import when a contact import task was Unpublished and Published immediately.

Campaign Studio - July 24, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
CHANGEMAUT-11561When Sparkpost sends webhook events with blocked status, Campaign Studio does not process them, resulting in contacts not getting marked as DNC.

In campaign conditions using custom objects with Date type fields, Campaign Studio did not display the date picker.


In campaign conditions using custom objects, Campaign Studio did not refresh the operators when the fields were changed.

FixMAUT-11515Custom object date and time fields did not have the same operators as compared to custom fields.
FixMAUT-11460The dynamic content variations in the email builder did not function when filters were applied on custom items.

Campaign Studio - July 11, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
CHANGEMAUT-11636The email builder is updated to have the {resubscribe_url} token to allow customers to resubscribe to email communications.

Campaign Studio - July 8, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note







Improvements are made to segmentation usability for numerical ranges, date ranges, and relative dates.

Segment filter groups can be duplicated.


Segments did not work when empty or not empty operator was used with a custom object Date type filter.


The not equal operator did not work with custom object field filters in segments.

FixMAUT-11461When the default language of the instance was set to Dutch and users scheduled a segment email, Campaign Studio returned an invalid date format error.

Campaign Studio - May 30, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note

Campaign Studio supports email preheader text.

CHANGEMAUT-11396Text type global tokens are supported in the body of text messages.

Text type global tokens are supported in email subject lines.

  • The Subject and Preheader Text fields on the New Email page and Edit Email page sync with the Subject and Preheader Text fields in the Settings tabs in the email builder.

  • The Title field on the New Landing Page page and Edit Landing Page page sync with the fields in the Settings tabs in the landing page builder.

CHANGEMAUT-11343Campaign Studio displays a help text when using operators in segment filters that are not using database indexes.
  • For Salesforce connector, the referenceId is changed from "{$eventId}-{$salesforceObjectId}" to the unique event mapping ID.
  • The activity description contains the Campaign Studio event ID appended in parentheses

Changes made to the Internal Name field of an email is recorded in the audit log.


Campaign Studio displays an error message if the Zoom account does not have webinars enabled.


The included Custom Object must be created and linked to the contact if the API request to the BULK endpoint includes the data.


Form fields that are mappable but were not mapped were auto-mapped when the field was edited.


In contact imports, Don’t overwrite value if exists was not functional for some field types.


Zoom Webinars with a past event dates were not available in segment filters.

Campaign Studio - May 18, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note

A one click unsubscribe header is added to the email if Send to unsubscribed contacts is set to No in the Advanced tab on the Emails page and if the email body contains an unsubscribed link.


Campaign Studio adds an unsubscribe link in the email body if Send to unsubscribed contacts is set to No in the Advanced tab on the Emails page. 

Campaign Studio does not add an unsubscribe link in the email body if Send to unsubscribed contacts is set to Yes in the Advanced tab on the Emails page. When a user manually adds an unsubscribe link to the body of an email, Campaign Studio honors this link and does not automatically remove it.

Campaign Studio - May 11, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
FIXMAUT-11483Segment filters with the regex operator on the Number type custom fields did not function.
FIXMAUT-11485Segment filters did not function if the Or operator was used more than once with the Number type custom fields.

Campaign Studio - May 3, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
FIXMAUT-11473CSV imports did not update the Select data type field values for existing contacts.

Campaign Studio - April 29, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note

The setting of Send to unsubscribed contacts determines whether an email is counted towards the Frequency Rule calculation.

  • If the toggle is set to Yes, the email is not counted.
  • If the toggle is set to No, the email is counted.
FeatureMAUT-11278Emails with Send to unsubscribed contacts set to Yes are not sent to hard bounced email addresses.
FeatureMAUT-11277Emails with Send to unsubscribed contacts set to Yes are sent to unsubscribed contacts.

Based on the setting of Send to unsubscribed contacts on the Advanced tab on the Emails page, the status of Send to unsubscribed contacts is displayed in the following:

  • Send email action within a campaign
  • Send marketing message action within a campaign
  • Marketing message email channel
  • Send email to contacts form action
  • Points Trigger event


In the Send email campaign action dialog box, Priority and Attempt fields are displayed only if Send to unsubscribed contacts is set to No.
CHANGEMAUT-11324DNC contacts are not counted towards the Pending email status.
CHANGEMAUT-11323The Repeatable email field is added to the Send email campaign action dialog box.
FIXMAUT-11342On the Manage saved rows page in the email or landing page builder, when you edit a saved row and click the Save and Close button, the button becomes inactive and gets stuck in the Saving state.
FixMAUT-11209When contacts were merged, the link between the contact and the custom item was lost.
FIXMAUT-10790Contacts were missing from campaigns even though they were part of a segment.
FixMAUT-8383Unsubscribe links with a line break in an anchor tag broke contact tracking.

Campaign Studio - March 28, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
FeatureMAUT-11307Users can save changes of emails and landing pages by using the Save button in the email and landing page builders.


Campaign Studio provides the bulk delete action for global tokens.
FixMAUT-11243The file manager in the email and landing page builders did not work appropriately when users had a large number of files.
FixMAUT-11028Segments with custom object date filters did not rebuild correctly.

Campaign Studio - February 22, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
Campaign Studio supports integration with Acquia DAM in the Email and Landing Page builders.
ChangeMAUT-11111All the deprecated plugins are unpublished and removed from Campaign Studio.
ChangeMAUT-11097Campaign Studio skips the broken linkages between Custom Objects and Contacts to complete the Custom Object Import process.
FixMAUT-10790In the Campaign Build process, some contacts got skipped even when they were members of the segment associated with the campaign.
FixMAUT-8637Salesforce sync returned an error when contacts were deleted before the sync.

Campaign Studio - January 23, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note
ChangeMAUT-11084The landing page alias supports underscore.
ChangeMAUT-8990Campaign Studio is upgraded to use PHP 8.
FixMAUT-11037The Campaign Studio user interface incorrectly displayed the Contact added to segment event for contacts that were already in a segment.
FixMAUT-10983The PATCH API in custom items incorrectly updated fields that are not part of the request payload.
FixMAUT-10924If the Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows checkbox was selected when configuring the Campaign Studio app in Salesforce, the system displayed authorization errors in Campaign Studio.
FixMAUT-10790Contacts in a segment were missing from the associated campaign.
FixMAUT-10678CSV imports were saving incorrect values for select field types.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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