
Retrieves views data for a subscription, broken down by application.

For more help, see https://cloudapi-docs.acquia.com/ or https://dev.acquia.com/api-documentation/acquia-cloud-site-factory-api for acsf commands.


acli api:subscriptions:usage-views-data-by-application [--from FROM] [--to TO] [--filter FILTER] [--resolution RESOLUTION] [--] <subscriptionUuid>
acli api:subscriptions:usage-views-data-by-application 0f3ad33e-2fe4-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93 --from="2023-09-01T00:00:00.000Z" --to="2023-09-29T00:00:00.000Z"


  • subscriptionUuid


    The subscription entity's universally unique identifier.


  • --from


    Specifies absolute time period to retrieve results from. Requires ISO 8601 format. Some examples: * `2023-09-01` * `2023-09-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z` (`2023-09-01T00:00:00.000Z`)

  • --to


    Optionally specifies absolute time period to retrieve results until. Requires ISO 8601 format. Some examples: * `2023-09-29` * `2023-09-29T00%3A00%3A00.000Z` (`2023-09-29T00:00:00.000Z`)

  • --filter


    The filters query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request. Filtered queries restrict the rows that do (or do not) get included in the result by testing each row in the result against the filters. Not all fields are filterable. There are eight filter operators that can be used and they must be URL encoded in order to be included. The operators are: * Equals: `= (%3D)` * Does not equal: `!= (!%3D)` * Greater than: `> (%3E)` * Less than: `< (%3C)` * Greater than or equal to: `>= (%3E%3D)` * Less than or equal to: `<= (%3C%3D)` * Contains substring: `=@ (%3D@)` * Does not contain substring: `!@ (!@)` Filters can be combined using `OR` and `AND` boolean logic. The `OR` operator is defined using a comma (`,`) and the `AND` operator is defined using a semi-colon (`;`). Some examples: * `filter=field%3Dvalue` (`field` equals `'value'`) * `filter=field%3D@*partialmatch` (`field` ends with `'partialmatch'`) * `filter=field%3D@*partialmatch,field%3Dvalue` (`field` ends with `'partialmatch'` OR `field` equals `'value'`) * `filter=field%3D@*partialmatch,field%3Dvalue;field2%3C5` (`field` ends with `'partialmatch'` OR `field` equals `'value'` AND `field2` > `5`)

  • --resolution


    Specifies the data granularity of the request. Available resolutions: minute, hour, day, week or month. Limits: - 3 hour limit for “minute” resolution - 1 week limit for “hour” resolution - 6 month limit for “day” resolution - 1 year limit for "week" resolution - 3 year limit for “month” resolution

  • --help | -h


    Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the `list` command

    Defaults to false

  • --quiet | -q


    Do not output any message

    Defaults to false

  • --verbose | -v|-vv|-vvv


    Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

    Defaults to false

  • --version | -V


    Display this application version

    Defaults to false

  • --ansi


    Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output

  • --no-ansi


    Negate the "--ansi" option

    Defaults to false

  • --no-interaction | -n


    Do not ask any interactive question

    Defaults to false

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