Content Hub is a cloud-based content distribution and discovery service that enables you to author, search, and share content in a complex network of sites and channels. This documentation includes the following sections to help you learn about Content Hub and implement it on your sites:
Section | Description |
Release notes | Provides a list of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes delivered in each Content Hub release. |
Features and functionalities | Provides information about various features of Content Hub, and explains the syndication process. |
Getting started | Provides information about installing Content Hub and configuring publishers and subscribers. |
Managing connected sites | Provides information about managing connected sites, pausing syndication, and staging down sites in Content Hub. |
Managing Content Hub | Provides information about using Content Hub. |
Using the Content Hub API | Provides information about using Content Hub APIs and leveraging them to implement custom solutions. |
Enhanced language capabilities | Provides information about Content Hub’s multilingual capabilities. |
Publisher’s Dashboard | Provides information about Publisher’s Dashboard, which is the user interface for content syndication. |
Known issues | Provides information about known issues in Content Hub. |
FAQs and troubleshooting | Provides FAQs and troubleshooting information related to Content Hub. |
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