Tue Aug 13 2024 12:17:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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When you click the Go to last page icon in the Add or select media dialog box, the system returns a 400 error.
Acquia DAM does not support translation of the DAM media content.
Create the translated version of your DAM asset.
Upload the translated version of the asset in DAM, and then use it in the intended page in Drupal.
While you add DAM images to a Paragraph field in Drupal, you might encounter a failure with the following error message:
Error: Call to a member function getValue() on null in acquia_dam_media_insert() (line 497 of /mnt/www/html/threedsysdev/docroot/modules/contrib/acquia_dam/acquia_dam.module).
Configure the Paragraph field to use the Acquia DAM formatter widget instead of Inline Entity forms.
This is because Inline Entity forms are not supported for DAM assets.
When you use the Acquia DAM module in Drupal environments, you might have to re-authenticate every 2-3 days. This frequent re-authentication disrupts the accessibility of DAM assets and leads to broken image links on the website.
Acquia recommends you to use unique DAM account credentials to maintain stable authentication sessions. Sharing a common set of credentials among multiple users can lead to overriding of previously-created authentication codes. This ensures that the system generates codes for user re-authentication.