Cloud Platform

Known issues in Cloud Platform


Cloud Platform versions

Cloud Platform documentation refers to both the Cloud Classic and Cloud Next versions of this product, unless otherwise noted.

This page describes the known issues in Cloud Platform generally and Cloud Classic specifically. For known issues that are specific to Cloud Next, see Known issues in Cloud Next.

Known issues with PHP and Memcache

New environments provision with Cloud Platform default PHP version

If a new Cloud Platform environment is provisioned by a CI/CD process, such as Acquia Pipelines or Acquia Code Studio, the new environment is provisioned with the default Cloud Platform PHP version. The new environment does not inherit the PHP settings from the source environment or CI/CD build. For more information on the default PHP version, see default Cloud Platform PHP version.

Workaround: You must set your desired PHP version for the new environment. You can configure the PHP version through the Cloud Platform user interface or the command line.

  • Cloud Platform user interface: Modify the PHP version for your application at the environment level using the configuration settings after the new environment is deployed.
  • Command line: Change the PHP version with the following Acquia CLI command:
acli app:task-wait "$(acli api:environments:update $TARGET_ENV_ID --lang_version=8.1)"                      

If your Drupal application contains deprecated code, changing the PHP version after deployment might cause initial failure notices.

PHP 8.3 is compatible with Drupal 10.2 or higher 

PHP 8.3 is compatible only with Drupal 10.2 or higher. For more information, see

pcntl_fork() is not supported in live code and can cause stability issues with PHP 8 and later.

Using the pcntl_fork() function with PHP 8 and later in website code can leak PHP processes. This crashes the site slowly. Acquia recommends you to not use this function as it might be disabled eventually. However, you can use it in CLI PHP scripts.

Known issues in the Cloud Platform user interface

Cloud Platform notification API does not display real-time results

The Cloud Platform notification API does not display real-time results. It typically returns a response within seconds, but sometimes can take several minutes to reflect the current state of the platform.

Cloud Platform displays a zlib “freed prematurely” message when inspecting tasks

When inspecting the output of any successful or failed task, the final line is: zlib(finalizer): the stream was freed prematurely. This message can be ignored.

XML is not an acceptable file type in Support tickets

The acceptable file listing on the customer-facing ticket submission page lists XML as an acceptable file type, but XML files are not accepted for upload.

Workaround: Place the XML in a .zip file, and then attach the .zip file to the ticket.

The active domain for an environment cannot be changed

The active domain for an environment defaults to the first bare domain name, with or without the www prefix, and cannot be changed. Environments containing no top-level custom domains use the Acquia default domain as the active domain.

Environment variables starting with $ followed by a number are removed

When using environment variables in the Cloud UI, starting a sequence with $ followed by a number removes the first two characters.

For example, adding $23456 as an environment variable results in 3456.

Workaround: When using the environment variable in your code, manually prepend the first two characters to the variable. Acquia recommends validating your code to prevent any application issues when the issue is resolved.

Known issues with version control

Unicode characters and emoji are not supported in branch names

If a branch name contains a Unicode character, such as an emoji, users will receive a Failure due to fatal system error message when attempting to switch to that branch. This error affects all Cloud Platform systems, including Acquia Pipelines.

Git checkouts fail after reporting non-existent changes to binary files

Git checkouts fail with the following error when non-text files contain a specific byte sequence and are not explicitly defined as binary files: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout. Please, commit your changes or stash them.

Workaround: Edit the following section of your .gitattributes file:

# Auto-detect text files, ensure they use LF.
                                                *         text=auto eol=lf

and then make one of the following changes:

  • Remove the line beginning with *.
  • Remove the eol=lf text.
  • Ensure that a specification line is added for every binary file extension used in your repository.

Deployed branches or tags cannot be deleted

Cloud Platform doesn’t allow you to delete branches currently deployed to an environment. If you try to delete a branch from the command line, an error message like the following displays:

remote: Operation rejected: remote: Git branch or tag test_branch cannot be
                                                deleted because it is currently deployed to

Cloud Platform displays an error message when pushing code to Git

When attempting to push code, some users may encounter error messages like the following example if the root account owns a directory, instead of the siteuser account:

remote: error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository
                                                database ./objects      

To correct the directory’s ownership settings, create a Support ticket.

Deployment keys must be associated with a user account

Cloud Platform does not support the use of deployment keys (machine keys) that are not associated with an individual user account. All SSH keys must be associated with a user account.

Workaround: Create a user account to associate the deploy key as described in Deployment keys and Cloud Platform.

Known issues with the Acquia Connector

Unable to log in through Acquia Connector

You might get a 404 error while logging in through Acquia Connector.

Workaround: You must assign the Access to legacy product keys permission to your role and re-authenticate yourself.

Acquia Connector 8.x-1.17 causes error during cron runs

Upgrading to Acquia Connector 8.x-1.17 introduces the following error and may interfere with cron runs:

Call to a member function getEditable() on null                       

Workaround: Acquia recommends reverting to Acquia Connector 8.x-1.16.

See Upgrading to acquia_connector-8.x-1.17 can throw error “Call to a member function getEditable() on null” during cron runs for more information.

Acquia Connector requests can time out

Drupal websites connected to Acquia subscription, will send heartbeat requests during each cron run. By default, cron runs at the beginning of each hour, which can cause the Acquia subscription service to receive thousands of simultaneous connections across all subscriber websites, causing some requests to timeout.

Workaround: If your subscription service is experiencing timeouts, Acquia recommends you modify your cron runs to not begin at the start of the hour.

The Acquia Connector module conflicts with Remote stream wrapper module

The Acquia Connector module has a conflict with the Remote stream wrapper module, which is listed on the Modules to use with caution on Cloud Platform page.

Workaround: Apply this patch, available on

Known issues with Drush


The current Drupal version requires Drush version 11 or later. Newer versions of Drush, that is, version 11 and later, must be installed via Composer. Acquia does not manage the update to the newer versions. For more information, see About Drush on Cloud Platform.

Drush aliases (YAML format) downloaded from cloud throw warnings for PHP 8.0

Using the Drush aliases from the Cloud Platform credentials page might generate warnings with certain Drush commands if the site is running PHP 8.0.

                                                   root: /var/www/html/
                                                   ac-site: d9forcl57747
                                                   ac-env: dev
                                                   ac-realm: devcloud
                                                      parent: ''
                                                      root: /mnt/gfs/
                                                      drush-script: drush9

The preceding block shows a sample Drush alias in the YAML format. If you run the drush uli command from your terminal, you might encounter the following warnings and deprecated messages:

$ vendor/bin/drush uli
                                                [warning] Undefined property: Drush\Commands\core\LoginCommands::$uri ExecTrait.php:38
                                                [warning] does not appear to be a resolvable hostname or IP, not starting browser. You may need to use the --uri option in your command or site alias to indicate the correct URL of this site.
                                                Deprecated: Required parameter $args follows optional parameter $command in /usr/local/drush9/vendor/drush/drush/includes/ on line 115
                                                Deprecated: Required parameter $options follows optional parameter $command in /usr/local/drush9/vendor/drush/drush/includes/ on line 115

The drush uli command works and returns the desired output even with the warnings. If these warnings block your development, remove the following segment from the yaml file:

                                                   drush-script: drush9                   

The current Drupal version is incompatible with certain Acquia Drush commands

The current Drupal version is not compatible with the following legacy commands:

You must use Composer to build websites running the current Drupal version. You cannot use Drush to update your Drupal websites.

Using Drush 9 may display error messages

If you are using Drush 9 in a Platform environment, Cloud Platform may display the following errors, such as:

  • Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/var/www/site-php//D8--[sitename]'
  • Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.

Workaround: To determine if this Drush 9-based behavior is affecting your use of the product, execute the following commands from a command prompt:

drush9 php-eval 'var_export($_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME'] , true);'
                                                printenv 'AH_SITE_NAME'                       

These values must be equal. If they are not:

  1. Edit your website’s settings.php file.
  2. Before the Acquia require line, add $_SERVER['PWD']=DRUPAL_ROOT;.
  3. Save the settings.php file.

Drush aliases are downloaded only for active on-demand environments

Drush aliases for Cloud Platform CD environments are downloaded only if the environment is active.

Do not install Drush in your home directory

Installing Drush in your user directory can cause unexpected task failures. Acquia recommends you require a site-local Drush as part of your codebase, not your home directory, and run your commands with a specific major version of Drush, as described in Using Drush on Cloud Platform.

An error message is displayed while running Drush 12 commands

Cloud Platform displays the following error message while running Drush 12 commands:

/bin/bash: /app/vendor/drush: No such file or directory

The Drush alias files that Cloud Platform generates are not compatible with Drush 12.

Workaround: Update the Drush alias files as follows:

                                                  drush-script: '/var/www/html/${AH_SITE_NAME}/vendor/bin/drush'                     

Known issues with external services

Legacy alerts from New Relic fail with the removal of TLS 1.0

Legacy alerts from New Relic fail with the removal of TLS 1.0 from Acquia systems. For help in updating your alerts, see: Introduction to alerts and applied intelligence.

Website duplication may cause rsync issues

Website duplication can cause rsync issues in the distributed file system which results in the following log error:

rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24)at main.c(1183) [sender=3.1.1]
                                                Could not rsync from [error]                       

Workaround: Create a Support ticket and specify the affected files listed in the rsync error.

Known issues with the Cloud Platform CDN

Cloud Platform CDN is not compatible with custom Varnish configurations

The Cloud Platform CDN does not support the use of custom Varnish configurations (custom VCLs) with Cloud Platform-hosted applications. Attempting to do so can cause Cloud Platform Enterprise to experience conflicting caching behavior.

Other notable known issues

Self-service SSL certificates overwrite Acquia’s default certificate

When requesting the Acquia default domain, the subscriber’s self-service SSL certificate loads instead of the Acquia SSL certificate that covers the Acquia default domains. This behavior causes an SSL error in the browser. Install and activate two or more custom certificates on any affected environment to remove this error on the Acquia default domain.

Emergency-level logging broadcasts logged data to open SSH sessions

If a Drupal module logs information with the RFC 5424 severity of emergency, syslog broadcasts the information to open SSH sessions. These broadcasts can disrupt commands in progress, as indicated in the following example:

Broadcast message from [email protected]                      

Workaround: Either modify the module’s logging function to decrease the message’s severity from emergency to another level, or disable the module’s logging feature.

Some Drupal modules are not supported on Cloud Platform

The design of the Acquia platform can sometimes cause incompatibilities with Drupal contributed modules. Drupal modules not supported on Cloud Platform are listed in Modules and applications incompatible with Cloud Platform. Other modules usable on Cloud Platform with caution or special configuration are listed in Modules to use with caution on Cloud Platform. For information about other software incompatible with Cloud Platform, see Unsupported software.

You must rebuild caches after updating Drupal

Subscribers upgrading their websites to newer versions of the current Drupal version, must rebuild website caches after the upgrading. Unexpected errors and problems with some page displays may occur until you rebuild caches.

Running update.php on the current Drupal version can display error messages

Attempting to run update.php on the current Drupal version fails with the following error message:

In order to run update.php you need to either be logged in as admin or have
                                                set $settings['update_free_access']                        

Workaround: Use one of the following methods:

  • Run drush updb to complete database updates.
  • Whenever you must run update.php, use your browser’s cookie manager to grab the session cookie from your current authenticated Drupal session, and then remove the leading S from the session name.
  • If you are running updates on your Dev or Stage environments, temporarily disable HTTPS while running updates.
  • Edit your settings.php file to temporarily set $settings['update_free_access'] to TRUE during your updates.
  • ADVANCED: Add the following code to your update.php file (directly following the use statements) to force Drupal to acknowledge the X-Forwarded-Proto value when determining if the request must be treated as HTTPS:

    if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO"]) &&
                                                                               $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO"] == "https") {
                                                                               $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';

Altering the $databases array causes connection errors

Websites altering the $databases array in settings.php to enable third-party database connections may experience connection errors when the connection setup is delayed in settings.php.

You cannot import a local website archive using the product interface

The Cloud Platform user interface does not support importing a website archive from a local file. Instead, you can import a site archive from a URL or import using Drush.

All Twig cache files for an environment are stored in a single directory

Clearing a website’s Twig caches clears the Twig caches for all websites hosted by that environment. For more information about how Cloud Platform stores Twig caches, see Twig caches.

Resolution for Site Factory subscribers: Upgrade your installed version of the Site Factory Connector module to either version 8.x-1.59 and later, or version 8.x-2.59 or later (for Drush 9 support).

Websites running the current Drupal version can have theme change issues with Twig caches

When you change themes and perform a code deployment on Cloud Platform applications running the current Drupal version, you might experience issues where cached Twig templates fall out of sync on different web infrastructure. The problem arises from having separate copies of the compiled Twig templates on each web infrastructure and a related Drupal core issue.

Workaround: When you make changes to themes in Cloud Platform Enterprise applications running the current Drupal version, connect to each web infrastructure, and run the following command to remove the outdated Twig templates:

drush @[sitename].[prod] --uri=http://[site_URL]/ ev '\Drupal\Core\PhpStorage\PhpStorageFactory::get("twig")->deleteAll();'                        

The AuthUserFile directive in .htaccess is not supported

The AuthUserFile directive in the Apache .htaccess file sets the name of a text file containing a list of users and passwords for user authentication. Cloud Platform does not support AuthUserFile, since its value must be either an absolute path or a path relative to the infrastructure root, and won’t work across different Cloud Platform environments.

The SymLinksIfOwnerMatch option in .htaccess is not supported

Due to the configuration of directory ownership and permissions for your Cloud Platform application’s codebase and files directories, use of the SymLinksIfOwnerMatch option in your application’s .htaccess file will prevent your web infrastructure from accessing any of the assets in your files directory. You must use the FollowSymLinks option instead.

Previous versions of Cloud Platform used LOGNAME differently

Do not use the LOGNAME environment variable to determine sitegroup or sitename in your .htaccess file or in other custom scripts.

Workaround: Use the AH_SITE_NAME, AH_SITE_GROUP, or AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT environment variables if you need environment-aware variables in your scripts.

Using mysqldump on MySQL 5.7 results in error

If you run mysqldump on MySQL 5.7, the following error occurs:

mysqldump: Error: 'Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation' when trying to dump tablespaces                       

Workaround: If you don’t need to dump the tablespace information, invoke mysqldump with the –no-tablespaces option.

Known issues in Cloud Classic

Manually deleted backups appear as active in the Cloud Platform user interface for up to 24 hours

If you delete a backup manually, the backup continues to appear in the list on the Databases page for about 24 hours.

Using the Cloud Platform API to download backups with ELBs present results in failures

When downloading database backups using the Cloud Platform API v2, users experience failures if an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is present.

Workaround: If the ELB is not in use, create a Support ticket and request to have the ELB removed.

The server resize Cancel button does not always work as expected

In the legacy Cloud Platform interface, when a user selects Resize > Cancel, occasionally the Cancel button does not dismiss the dialog box.

Database backup downloads fail while using latest version of Chrome

For Chrome version 87 or later, mixed content downloads were disabled. Owing to this, database backup downloads initiated in the Cloud user interface fail in some cases.

Workaround: The Cloud Platform user interface displays the http version of the db backup download URL. You can specify this URL in a new browser window to restart the download.

Using Midnight Commander can cause file service interruptions

Cloud Platform Enterprise subscribers who use GNU Midnight Commander can experience service interruptions when trying to access their GFS mount. Acquia currently recommends that you do not use Midnight Commander with your Acquia-hosted websites.

Unable to perform database backups following the VCL access list update

After adding an access control list to your Varnish configuration file, you may not be able to download database backups through the Cloud user interface. It happens because while limiting access to your sites, your access control list also limits access to your Acquia default domain, such as, that is required for database downloads to function.

To perform database backups:

  1. In the access control list of your VCL, add the IP addresses that can download backups.
  2. Perform database downloads through the Cloud API.

Certificate signing requests do not work with Node.js applications

You cannot generate certificate signing requests (CSRs) for Node.js applications from the Cloud Platform user interface.

Workaround: Upload SSL certificates manually.

Multi-region failover does not support multisites

The Cloud Platform multi-region failover service supports only a single database per environment.

Issues occur with certain applications and methods after enabling FIPS in Cloud Classic applications

When you enable FIPS in a Cloud Classic environment, certain applications and methods might break. For example, Ruby might fail with the following error:

FIPS mode is enabled, bundler can't use the CompactIndex API

Workaround: Modify your application to use only FIPS-approved cryptographic methods and avoid using methods like md5 that are prohibited in FIPS. For more information about FIPS-approved cryptographic methods, see supported methods.

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