PageAssist basic tracking lets you track the number of times a visitor has opened the PageAssist add-on and used it to view their website analytics.
These are the requirements that must be met before you can install and use PageAssist basic tracking:
- Have the script installed on the website.
- Have the PageAssist module activated, with the page icon enabled.
- Analytics or other statistics platform of choice installed, such as Google Analytics (as used as an example in this document).
Set up the tracking feature inside the HTML page head tags. See the script below for an example.
window.addEventListener('mon-pageassist-open', function() {
console.log('open pa');
window.monsido_functions.trackEvent(eventCategory, eventAction, eventName, eventValue); });
See the script below for an example of how this looks in Google Analytics.
Head tag (Global HTML)
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXX');
window.addEventListener('mon-pageassist-open', function() {
console.log('open pa');
gtag('event', 'PageAssist', {
'event_category': 'open'
This script listens for the event "mo-pageassist-open", which registers the count for each time a visitor opens the PageAssist add-on.
The action is logged in Google Analytics as an event. In the example above, it has the name "PageAssist".
Data begins to arrive at Google Analytics when the script is added, and within 30 minutes the accumulated data should provide some insight on how the site is being used by visitors.
With this setup, you can:
- View the pages where the visitor clicks the PageAssist button.
- See the number of times the add-on is used in each session.
Additional resources¶
For instructions from Google on how to install Tag Manager, see: